Lay Incarnate

About Us

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Our story

Lay incarnate

Do you yearn for a deeper connection with God while living your life in the world? The Lay Order of the Family of the Incarnate Word might be the path you’ve been seeking.

Who We Are

We are a vibrant community of faithful lay people, just like you, who share a desire to:

  • Grow in our Christian faith: We seek a deeper intimacy with Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word.
  • Live the charism of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word & Blessed Sacrament: Our purpose is to extend the message of God’s love and draw others closer to Him.
  • Contribute our gifts to the Church: We believe in sharing our talents and time to serve our community.

Our Journey Together

As Associates of the Incarnate Word, we embark on a shared journey of:

  • Prayer and reflection: Through regular prayer and study, we strengthen our connection with God’s will and purpose for our lives.
  • Personal and communal growth: We support each other as we deepen our faith and understanding of the Incarnate Word’s message.
  • Active service: We strive to live the Gospel message through acts of love, justice, mercy, and peace, both individually and collaboratively.

Is this Your 


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Our Commitment

If you feel a desire to live a more purposeful life, rooted in faith and service, we invite you to learn more about the Lay Order of the Family of the Incarnate Word.

(We have a thriving community of 8 commissioned members in our parish, and we welcome new members who share our calling.)

Join us in making God’s presence known more effectively in the world!

For More Info contact the Parish office:

Tel No:0798758823


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