Upendo Choir


The Upendo Choir has been a pillar of St. John the Evangelist Parish since its inception. Filled with dedicated singers, the choir has a rich history marked by growth, resilience, and a deep love for music.

Leadership with Experience and Passion

Our leadership team is dedicated to guiding the choir and fostering a welcoming environment.

  1. Moderator: Benedict Nthiani (2nd Term) – A seasoned member with over 15 years of experience.
  2. Vice Moderator: Joyce Karweni (1st Term) – Bringing a fresh perspective with her 10+ years of membership.
  3. Secretary: Victoria Ndinda (2nd Term) – A longstanding member with over 15 years of service.
  4. Vice Secretary: Dominic Nzavilu – His commitment in just 2 years earned him the choir’s support.
  5. Treasurer: Inviolata Njeri – A longstanding member with a history of service in various choir positions.

Musical Expertise for Uplifting Melodies

Upendo Choir boasts two talented Music Directors who lead the choir with their expertise:

  1. Lead Music Director: Nathan Mutiso – Trained in music solfa notation and piano playing.
  2. Assistant Music Director: Silas Matanda – Skilled in music solfa notation and piano playing.

Together, they ensure the choir delivers beautiful and inspiring music.

A Growing Family of Faith

The Upendo Choir is a family of 53 members, with 46 commissioned under the Parish guidelines and the CLiMAK constitution. We are committed to spiritual growth, as evidenced by our recent recollections.

Spreading God’s Love Through Service

The choir extends its love beyond music by actively participating in community service. We prioritize our own members, reaching out to those who are less fortunate or in need of support.

United in Song: A Collaboration of Choirs

The Upendo Choir plays a key role in uniting the various choirs within St. John the Evangelist Parish:

  1. Divine Mercy Choir – Kuwinda
  2. Sacred Heart Choir – Apostles of Jesus Shrine
  3. St. Gabriel Choir – Cooperative University
  4. St. Cecilia Choir – Tangaza University
  5. Holy Trinity Choir – CUEA
  6. St. Patrick’s Choir – Multi Media University
  7. Blessed Voices Choir – St. John
  8. Singers of Christ Choir – St. John

Under the guidance of our Music Directors, these choirs will work together on Parish activities, strengthening the bonds of our musical community.


Join Upendo Choir!

We invite you to raise your voice and join us in uplifting worship and praising God. Let’s fill St. John the Evangelist Parish with the joy of song!

To contact us: upendochoir@stjohntheevangelistchurch.co.ke

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